Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Getting started again

It's been a while and thankfully the old brute that is my sewing machine, still works!  It's moved house and been left slightly unloved and unprotected whilst walls were knocked down around it!  But I dusted it off and filled her with lovely clean oil and she started up like a dream!  Now I have no excuse...
Well except for that fact that I don't really have a studio and I keep getting distracted by the gorgeous cross stitched flamingoes......and tea and mince pies!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Craft work

At the moment I'm trying to make some sheepskin boots and I'm really enjoying learning all about shoemaking.  I came across this little video and it totally rang true with my obsession with learning how everything is made and not only that but making things properly, by hand to a high standard.  It's great that you can get so much information off the web but it gets to a point where to learn the most about a craft you need to actually talk to someone.  I'd love to apprentice for a traditional shoe maker or a tailor to get first hand, hands-on experience.  I'm starting to get a bit fed up with all the courses for this, that and the other and I can't afford to pay for one or give up my soul to live in London.  Give me a wing to tuck under in some tiny workshop and I'd work my heart out to learn a traditional skill that's been passed down through generations, lets see if Google can find me that.....!

Friday, 17 May 2013

A-symmetric shoes

I love a bit of A-symmetry, especially in surprising places.  These shoes by Koji Horigome are incredible.  I could happily design a whole collection of garments around these.  I do have a small obsession with shoes, more than clothes.  I'm super fussy when it comes to their shape and don't even get me started on trainers - the toe has to be the right length and width, laces must be wide set, etc, etc!

Check out Koji Horigome's shoes and an interview at Not Just A Label.  I particularly like his sources of inspiration;

"The shape of orthopaedic shoes, 1960s artificial limbs, vintage medical equipment, military outfits, processes of traditional shoe making, the film "Ghost in the Shell" and abandoned buildings."

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Fashion film

I came across these videos by photography student Lucy Hawes.  I don't usually have much of an attention span for fashion collection films, but I think I like this one.

She's done a brilliant job of capturing the atmosphere and style of Paris fashion week.  I look forward to seeing what else she produces in the future.  Take a look at Lucy Hawes' website.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Super happy for my friend Elsie's new website;  Based in Cornwall she makes the most gorgeous wetsuits for women and men.  You can pick a style and then your own colours for custom one of kind swimsuits, bottoms and tops, and they're not just for surfers!!

Neon recently got featured in Vogue too!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Charcoal by Rudi Geyser

Feather shrug, KLuK.  Leggings, stylist's own.

Trousers and top, off.kilter.  Shoes, model's own.

Coat, off.kilter.

Faux fur coat, Zara.

Blouse, KLuK.

This is the second shoot including off.kilter clothing.  We had access to an amazing loft style location and some fabulous clothes courtesy of KLuk CGDT.

Photographer, Rudi Geyser
Assistant, Tim Atkins
Model, Jenna at Max Models Cape Town
Stylists, Pippa Williams, Klaudia Dedekind
Hair, Melissa Van Zyl
Make-up, Marya Hardwicke 

Friday, 22 March 2013

'..alive alive-oooo..'

'Singing cockles and mussels alive, alive-ooooo', or not so much in this case!  I haven't painted properly for years but I have wanted to pick up a paintbrush again for ages now.  It took my husband to start doing some painting to motivate me to have a go.  

Sunday, 17 March 2013

You booty!

 Visited a South African car boot sale today and wasn't disappointed!  Found this gold mine of vintage patterns, and love practically all of them.  Can't wait to make some of these and they're also great inspiration for future off.kilter projects.  Need to check out just how small the patterns come up - as the ladies back then were so petite!

These are some of my favourites.  I love the maxi dresses and coats.  The pattern in the top left has a great sleeve / shoulder detail which might crop up in a future off.kilter garment and those stripy flares will definitely be added to my wardrobe - maybe in a chunky navy corduroy.  Look at that fabulous wedding dress!!

Check out my vintage seventies fabric here.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Off.Kilter Clothing

 Dress, Off Kilter.  Necklace, Klaudia Dedekind.

Jacket, shorts and top, Off Kilter.  Bag, Titch.  Belt, vintage.

Dress, Off Kilter.  Shoes, Office.

These are the clothes I make.

Photographer, Rudi Geyser.
Model, Mia at D&A Models.
Stylist, Pippa Williams.
Hair and Make-up, Marya Hardwicke.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Mmm minimal bunting

Found this interesting art installation through the Dezeen magazine.  Whilst trying to find out whether the bunting was made out of recycled plastic (don't think it is which is a shame), I found the designer's website.

Some nice stuff by Philippe Malouin.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Ever since watching the biographical film of Frida Kahlo, I have been gaining a small obsession with her.  I've been meaning to find out more information about the Mexican artist, when I came across these photos from The Vintage Festival Facebook page.  You can see more photos from the new exhibition being held at the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico in this article by The Daily Mail.  It turns out some of the clothes on display are by designers who have been inspired by the artist including Ricardo Tisci and Jean Paul Gaultier.