Friday, 22 March 2013

'..alive alive-oooo..'

'Singing cockles and mussels alive, alive-ooooo', or not so much in this case!  I haven't painted properly for years but I have wanted to pick up a paintbrush again for ages now.  It took my husband to start doing some painting to motivate me to have a go.  

Sunday, 17 March 2013

You booty!

 Visited a South African car boot sale today and wasn't disappointed!  Found this gold mine of vintage patterns, and love practically all of them.  Can't wait to make some of these and they're also great inspiration for future off.kilter projects.  Need to check out just how small the patterns come up - as the ladies back then were so petite!

These are some of my favourites.  I love the maxi dresses and coats.  The pattern in the top left has a great sleeve / shoulder detail which might crop up in a future off.kilter garment and those stripy flares will definitely be added to my wardrobe - maybe in a chunky navy corduroy.  Look at that fabulous wedding dress!!

Check out my vintage seventies fabric here.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Off.Kilter Clothing

 Dress, Off Kilter.  Necklace, Klaudia Dedekind.

Jacket, shorts and top, Off Kilter.  Bag, Titch.  Belt, vintage.

Dress, Off Kilter.  Shoes, Office.

These are the clothes I make.

Photographer, Rudi Geyser.
Model, Mia at D&A Models.
Stylist, Pippa Williams.
Hair and Make-up, Marya Hardwicke.