Friday, 24 May 2013

Craft work

At the moment I'm trying to make some sheepskin boots and I'm really enjoying learning all about shoemaking.  I came across this little video and it totally rang true with my obsession with learning how everything is made and not only that but making things properly, by hand to a high standard.  It's great that you can get so much information off the web but it gets to a point where to learn the most about a craft you need to actually talk to someone.  I'd love to apprentice for a traditional shoe maker or a tailor to get first hand, hands-on experience.  I'm starting to get a bit fed up with all the courses for this, that and the other and I can't afford to pay for one or give up my soul to live in London.  Give me a wing to tuck under in some tiny workshop and I'd work my heart out to learn a traditional skill that's been passed down through generations, lets see if Google can find me that.....!

Friday, 17 May 2013

A-symmetric shoes

I love a bit of A-symmetry, especially in surprising places.  These shoes by Koji Horigome are incredible.  I could happily design a whole collection of garments around these.  I do have a small obsession with shoes, more than clothes.  I'm super fussy when it comes to their shape and don't even get me started on trainers - the toe has to be the right length and width, laces must be wide set, etc, etc!

Check out Koji Horigome's shoes and an interview at Not Just A Label.  I particularly like his sources of inspiration;

"The shape of orthopaedic shoes, 1960s artificial limbs, vintage medical equipment, military outfits, processes of traditional shoe making, the film "Ghost in the Shell" and abandoned buildings."

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Fashion film

I came across these videos by photography student Lucy Hawes.  I don't usually have much of an attention span for fashion collection films, but I think I like this one.

She's done a brilliant job of capturing the atmosphere and style of Paris fashion week.  I look forward to seeing what else she produces in the future.  Take a look at Lucy Hawes' website.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Super happy for my friend Elsie's new website;  Based in Cornwall she makes the most gorgeous wetsuits for women and men.  You can pick a style and then your own colours for custom one of kind swimsuits, bottoms and tops, and they're not just for surfers!!

Neon recently got featured in Vogue too!